The Peace Testimony is probably the best known and best loved of the Quaker testimonies. It has been a source of inspiration to Friends through the centuries, for it points to a way of life which embraces all human relationships.
As a Society we have been faithful throughout in maintaining a corporate witness against all war and violence. However, in our personal lives we have continually to wrestle with the difficulty of finding ways to reconcile our faith with practical ways of living it out in the world
Our peace testimony is not simple, and not all Quakers will have the same
understanding of what it will lead them to do in any given situation. Above all, based on our understanding of God’s love, our peace testimony is about paying attention to all relationships, from those with family and neighbours to those between nations. It is an opportunity to undo some of the hurt in this world and to build a better future.
From early in our history, Quakers have taken a clear stand for peace and against military action. The words we have written, and action we have taken in opposition to war and in support of peace, have come to be known as the Quaker “peace testimony”.
We call it a “testimony” because it is how we witness to the world about our beliefs.
You can download a booklet to read more about our Peace Testimony here.
We recognise that peace in this world is not just an easy slogan, but requires us to actively work towards it.
Quakers have been at the forefront of peace negotiations in conflict situations around the world, from Northern Ireland to Palestine, from Myanmar to South America - often working quietly behind the scenes to open up the possibilities for dialogue and conciliation.
But questions around peace and conflict arise everywhere, not just on the battlefields of international war zones. How do we actively work towards peace in those conflicts which arise in our communities, our families, our friendships?