Southampton Friends

"Coming to Meeting for Worship is the first and central part of being a Quaker. We sit together in silence; we listen to one another's ministry; and afterwards we listen to one another's joys and sorrows, and share one another's concerns."   -  Bridget

"Meeting is a time to pause from the business of everyday life, to remember those I love or have concerns for, and seek divine energy in the silence. It is an opportunity to come together seeking a source of revitalization. We felt this even on Zoom when I was required to isolate longer because of my poor immunity. I feel very comfortable with Quakers, sharing their values and ideals."   -  Anne

"I feel very much at home amongst Quakers. It is an important part of my life and I gain great spiritual refreshment by attending Meeting for Worship, and interaction with everybody there. I am conscious that I do not make much contribution myself, but I try!  I am full of admiration for those Friends taking an active part in trying to improve the world."    -   Hugh

"As a teenager and a young adult, I explored various Christian denominations. I was drawn to Quakers because of their values, particularly equality: shown through history in their progressive attitudes towards women and LGBT+ people, and today in the fact that anyone can contribute to worship. I find the silence helpful, particularly in difficult times. Southampton Meeting is somewhere I feel safe and accepted.  I find companionship and support from others at the Meeting, as we journey together in faith."   -   Jayne

Having belonged to Southampton Meeting for over 90 years now, it means such a great deal to me. I’ve made so many friends: I can sit in Meeting for Worship and think of people who used to be there, friends I have known as well as the current ones. The Meeting is like a family to me. I appreciate the opportunity that Quakerism offers to grow in faith and in understanding – not to have to accept a firm set of beliefs at the outset, but to be able to develop as you went along.     - Margaret

"I’m a Quaker because when I first came to Quakers I felt I had ‘come home’ and I applied for membership so that I could belong and play my part.

My local meeting is like extended family: it gives me friendship and support and it gives me a chance to support others and work in a team with others for the causes we feel strongly about."

- Trish

"I found Quakers in the late 90's and became a member in 2000. At first it was the style of worship that appealed to me having been an active member of the Church of England. I had found I couldn't say the creed and the rituals were becoming meaningless.  On learning more about Quakers - the testimonies spoke to me and everything seemed to fit with where I was at that stage of my life. I hope I can still continue to grow and not be complacent, but willing to see how I can make a difference if only in a small way."   -  Rosemary

Quakers have been meeting in Southampton since 1670!

Find out more about the history of Southampton Quakers, our Meeting House and our burial ground on the 'old cabbidge plot.'