Local Community

"Sharing our building with The Society of St James"

For some time now we have been searching for an alternative way of managing the Meeting House, and in June 2024 we agreed to share our building with The Society of St James.  Friends felt it would be a real opportunity to show our deep concern for the welfare of some of the most deprived people in our city, to do something useful and visible within our local community.

The Society of St James exists to end homelessness, person by person, by providing services to support access to accommodation and services for wellbeing, recovery from trauma and access to work.

The SSJ Academy supports ending homelessness by meeting
the physical, mental and social needs of people experiencing
homelessness. It offers a timetable of sports, education, volunteering
and employment-related activities.

SSJ Academy will use the meeting house during the week
to deliver workshops that develop life skills, confidence, trust and

After many months of careful planning and consultation, on 22nd October 2024 we were very happy to sign a five year lease which will give SSJ use of the meeting house throughout the working week, whilst retaining full Quaker occupancy as normal every Sunday and for a couple of Saturdays each month.

All existing long term room hirings are continuing as before, and we are grateful for SSJ's great expertise and experience in taking over the management and maintenance of the building. This all feels like a responsible use of our resources, empowering the disadvantaged in our community whilst taking good care of the meeting house as a home for future generations of Quakers.

"AA have met here for over 65 years"

Alcoholics Anonymous - here for you.

Though not affiliated with the Quaker fellowship or any denomination or organisation, Alcoholics Anonymous has been holding twice weekly meetings here for 65 years.   “At AA, alcoholics help each other. We will support you. You are not alone. Together, we find strength and hope. You are one step away”.

Local 24 hour  Helpline 023 8023 3198

Call free 0800 917 7650, email help@aamail.org 

Photo by Kael Bloom on Unsplash

"yoga sessions, orchestras and singing groups"

Unlike many other churches, as Quakers we don't have restrictions on the use of our meeting house as consecrated ground, and so we have been happy to allow various Buddhist and Muslim groups to hire the building. A large number of other community uses have included yoga sessions, orchestras and singing groups, other 12 step programs, as well as local societies such as Hampshire Fossil collectors and train enthusiasts.